So.. what to do with the second skein?
I want to thank you for all who participated, but I keep hearing that people wants to try handspun yarns.
So I decided, let's give it to someone who never knit/crochet with handspun but want to. I can't check the validity, but.. post if you want to be entered, why you want it and what you would make with this yarn if you get it. Entry will be closed on Friday midnight PST (April 3rd).
Oh, also post who you are (either from DS or HC) so I know how to contact you.
The yarn is this one:

Thanks everyone.
Well lets see. I would love to get some handspun. I have never crocheted with handspun, it kind of intimidates me. I think I would probably make a scarf out of it for me or my LO. I am Mommyk8 on DS and HC.
I've never *haha* fine. okay okay. is not true. darn it rach.
Me! I am ~Peach~ on DS and PeachyKeen on HC. I have never owned or knit handspun and after viewing all your pretty works I NEED to.
You are so sweet to do this.
I've never even seen handspun in person, let alone knit with it. I'd love to make it into a short-buttoned scarflette for myself.
Myla - iheartruiner on DS
I would love to try some of your handspun! I have never worked with it and I think it would be a real treat to use!
I would love to make some summer shorties or soaker with it!
Congratulations Aimee!!!!
Hum...what would I do with it? Funny you should's my favorite of the two. ;) It would become a simple cowl for me...simple to show off the gorgeous handspun colors!!
I would love to be entered to win your handspun. I am a novice knitter and loving ever minute of the learning process. Knitting and wool yarn has become my obsession. I would love to try knitting with handspun, it looks so squishy soft and richly coloured. Thanks for this opportunity!
snappysara on DS and HC :)
I've never knit with handspun. I've always wanted to. I'm lovemyryley on DS. IF I won, I'd make them into some gorgeous shorties that would match perfectly with a few of ds's summer shirts :D
I'm a new knitter and I've never even seen handspun in real life, let alone knit it. I would make a hat for my sister. She got 3rd degree burns on her scalp in a metal pouring accident, so I've been knitting hats for her to wear to cover her burns. I'm taralee2001 on DS.
Oh how gorgeous! I have never knit with handspun and I'd love to give it a whirl. Hmm, what to do with it? A special treat for myself! A scarf? Neck wrap? It will be for *me* either way!
I'm dwellmama on DS. :) Thanks so much!
Well, I have never knit with Handspun, cause Teresa is......
And, because I can't knit well. But, I love the handspun :)
I am lateybugprincess on DS and HC.
I've never owned or knit handspun either, but I've been dying too! I just can't justify the cost to my DH. =) I would love to knit it into something for the baby, maybe a stocking cap for the winter.
(I'm cakeums on DS, btw!)
Whoops, totally misspelled "to" there...:blush:
hmmm... ive never knit with handspun though i think that will change very soon! squee!!
But as of now, ive never knit with any! I think if i were to win, I'd knit up some newborn longies or a newborn sweater for one of the trillion pregnant friends i have (depending on whether the lucky friend will CD or not)
Im kimsansf on DS, ksinger on DS, jeb227 on yahoo...
I have never knit with handspun and would love to try it, especially yours of course :o)
Methinks I might make something for me, like a scarflette...or maybe a hat for my DS!
I'm Shandi on DS
I would LOVE to knit handspun. Everytime I seem to get your amazing handspun in my hot little hands DH sees the $$ and makes me sell it...but this way he couldn't makes me *giggle*.
I am kristineholland on DS and HC
I haven't tried handspun is gorgeous, but I am still fairly new to yarn. I am Teeniebean on both DS and HC.
I've never even seen handspun in real life only online. Your handspun yarns are the only ones that I've found myself drawn to; they are so beautful!
Working with handspun yarn seems a bit intimidating to me but I would probably make a skirtie or pair of shorts for LO to wear this summer. Or maybe a sundress ;)
DS member Qwertytigger
I too have never knit with handspun. While I would love to make it into something for me, I am sure it will end up being either shorties, a shrug or a hat and scarf set for my beloved granddaughter. It goes so much faster!!
Thanks for this offer, I am c1sarena on DS
I am a fairly new knitter and I have never knit with handspun before. My mom used to spin when I was little, and I would love to make her a scarf with it. I'm SaraElise on DS and Saramion on HC.
Oh this is a great thing for you to do. I have never had any handspun yarn nor seen any in person. I would definitely use this for something I could wear. Probably a scarf or something similiar. I am littlemisses on DS and HC.
I've never knit w/ handspun. :)
I'm MollyJones on DS.
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