Thursday, July 2, 2009

Stocking update and what's up with Yarnoodles!

There will be a huge stocking this month... One will be on the 10th and the other one will be on the 24th. On the 24th, I'll be joined by other wahms whose sharing the same birthmonth. This will be on, which is newly redesigned by super talented Cynthia from Webwurkz.

What will be up for grabs? Well, I can't tell you yet, but there will be a lot of colorways and yarns since I haven't done the inventory yet. Unfortunately I won't be offering any handspun yarn at this stocking. I might shoot some preview pictures. Some listing will be up this weekend.

Now, what's up with Yarnoodles? We won't be stocking this week at the Serenity Tree because the congo is taking a break. We're still in the fence from stocking at the Giggling Guppy. Why? Well, we're pregnant (edd 01/25/10) and in the first trimester. Nausea and fatique really prevent us from dyeing and they're saying it's best not to dye during the first trimester. We'll see... Unfortunately we won't be stocking too much in the next few months depending the energy level.

That's all.. Pictures are coming...